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Birk Magnussen - Webseite





Adaptive Shapley: Using Explainable AI with Large Datasets to Quantify the Impact of Arbitrary Error Sources, 2024

Birk Magnussen, Maik Jessulat, Claudius Stern and Bernhard Sick

The 9th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, ICBDA 2024

Präsentiert am: 17.03.2024

DOI 10.1109/ICBDA61153.2024.10607312

Best Oral Presentation Award

Leveraging Repeated Unlabelled Noisy Measurements to Augment Supervised Learning, 2024

Birk Magnussen, Claudius Stern and Bernhard Sick

The 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, CIIS 2023

Präsentiert am: 26.11.2023

DOI 10.1145/3638209.3638210

Best Oral Presentation Award

S-MSRRS5000: A Simulated Dataset Highlighting the Challenges of Data Obtained From Multiple Spatially Resolved Reflection Spectroscopy, 2024

Birk Magnussen, Maik Jessulat, Claudius Stern and Bernhard Sick

DOI 10.48662/daks-40

Download Dataset


Continuous Feature Networks: A Novel Method to Process Irregularly and Inconsistently Sampled Data With Position-Dependent Features, 2023

Birk Magnussen, Claudius Stern and Bernhard Sick

International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol 16, no 3&4

DOI 10.17170/kobra-2024042910096

Intra-Model Smoothing Using Depth Aware Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing for Deferred Rendering Pipelines, 2023

Birk Magnussen

The 41st Computer Graphics & Visual Computing Conference

Präsentiert am: 15.09.2023

DOI 10.2312/cgvc.20231198

Utilizing Continuous Kernels for Processing Irregularly and Inconsistently Sampled Data With Position-Dependent Features, 2023

Birk Magnussen, Claudius Stern and Bernhard Sick

The Nineteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, ICAS 2023

Präsentiert am: 15.03.2023

DOI 10.17170/kobra-2024042910095

Best Paper Award


Performance Evaluation of OSCAR Multi-target Automatic Parallelizing Compiler on Intel, AMD, Arm and RISC-V Multicores, 2022

Birk Magnussen, Tohma Kawasumi, Hiroki Mikami, Keiji Kimura, and Hironori Kasahara

The 34th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

Präsentiert am: 14.10.2021

DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-99372-6_4